Friday, November 10, 2017

Unleash the Inner Philanthropist in YOU

I have more than a million reasons to claim I’m one of the richest persons alive. I may neither have Oprah’s stash of cash nor a slice of Warren Buffet’s growing assets but what I have led to my contentment. They’re brimming and most especially, all mine. These are the blessings of family and meaningful friendships, the tenacity to overcome obstacles and the satiety to be provided with more than just enough.

Because my cup is overflowing, I feel the need to give back. I am restless to share what little I have to make this world a better place. If philanthropy distinctly means humanity, kindness and compassion among others, then allow me to use this noun in this prose. In other words, nobody needs to be a millionaire to be philanthropist. Anybody can give love at at anytime.

I met a friend whom I have considered to be my soul sister since many a times we share the same thoughts about frugal living, the love of reading and journey of faith to our loving God. On one of our engaging conversations, we touched base on making a difference and spreading random act of kindness. Then it dawned on us since we’ll be celebrating our 40th birthday on the same year, which is next year, why don’t we spread 40 Random Act of Kindness instead of spending money on things that do not matter?

with Yen, my friend who's beautiful inside and out

I’m excited to share these 40 things we both thought of that could possibly make the world around us a better place because if you happen to read this blog, we would want you to be inspired to do the same. It might not be on your 40th birthday. It might not be all of these.  It might not be any of these at all. Whatever it is that you can do to unleash the inner philanthropist in you, will be a tool to lessening the indifference our world is currently suffering.

20 RAK (Random Act of Kindness that do not cost a dime because my friend and I are both cheapskatesJ):

1.       Return stray shopping carts outside the grocery stores especially when it’s freezing.
2.       When shoveling snow at your driveway, consider doing the neighbors’ as well (maybe our spouses can help us with this J)
3.       Cook for more than your family can eat and call a friend to share it with.
4.       Visit a friend who needs a cheering up.
5.       Volunteer at the local Food Bank.
6.       Volunteer in School.
7.       Volunteer in Church.
8.       Call or message an old friend.
9.       Write thank you letters to the soldiers who are fighting for our country.
10.   If you have not gotten the Flu Shot this year, considering going to King Soopers. They give a free meal to the homeless for every shot. And the good thing is insurance pays for it.

11.   Give away your favorite books to those who could use them, instead of gathering dusts.
12.   Have Swagbucks? Donate through it. There’s a lot of charity to choose from. And the best thing is it’s all free because these are the points you earned.
13.   Spend the afternoon cleaning your basement and donate all the things you don’t need to Goodwill or Salavation Army.
14.   Write a deep and sincere letter of appreciation to your kids’ teachers, coaches and therapists.
15.   Nominate a person in your workplace or in your kids’ school for doing an impeccable job.
16.   Sneak in a positive note like “You are awesome!” in the books of your local library.
17.   Mow the lawn for your neighbors.
18.   Bring a treat to share with your co-workers (and your husband’s co-workers).
19.   Bake cookies for firefighters.
20.   Give Blood.

Following are the other 20 RAK involving CASH.  This is where we rock our frugality. Because we abstained from buying expensive bags, we’re able to get extra to give away:

21.    Leave the waiter/waitress who is obsequious a 100% tip and a note of thanks. He or she is trying to do a great job. But if he or she happens to be rude, leave a 200% tip and a note saying, “You are more amazing with a smile”. That would hope to change the course of his or her perception in a positive way.
22.   Pay someone’s meal at a restaurant.
23.   Pay the person behind you at Drive thru.
24.    Adopt-A-Student. Sponsor a child who can’t afford to go to school. Here’s the link to the program my husband and I chose
25.    Adopt-A-School. When our family went home to the Philippines, we asked my mother-in-law since she knows people at the Department of Education to give us the opportunity to sponsor a feeding for undernourished kids in school. They have a program called BUSOG LUSOG, “meaning: a full and satiated tummy leads to strong mind and body.”

26.   Leave quarters at a Laundromat and a note saying, “Please enjoy this random act of kindness.”
27.   Leave dollar bills at a gas pump and a note saying, “You are a recipient of this random act of kindness. Use these bills to buy yourself a coffee or a donut or pay for gas. However you use it, promise me to spread at least one kindness to somebody you meet today. God bless!”
28.   Attach a couple of dollars to the Redbox DVD you borrowed and a note saying, “Enjoy a popcorn. It’s on me.”
29.   Insert a $10 bill at a book in your local library.
30.   Buy a giftcard to a store you shop and hand it to a person next to you at checkout.
31.   Buy several copies of your favorite book and give it away to people you think would enjoy it. 
32.   When shopping at Amazon, go through (Amazon Smile), a website that allows users to pick a charity and donate .5% of every purchase to it.
33.   Buy the list of things needed at your local food bank.
34.   Pack at least a dozen of blessings bag to be given to people holding a sign in the street corners. Ideas to put in the bag: socks, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, crackers, water bottle, $5 and a note of encouragement).
35.   Purchase warm clothes, blankets and gloves to be given to a homeless shelter. If you don’t know any shelter closest to you, here’s a suggestion
36.   Buy flowers to give to your kids’ schools front desk.
37.   Surprise your kids’ former mentors by buying them lunch.
38.   Appreciate your kids’ current mentors by buying them lunch.
39.   Surprise a friend from far away with a care package to lift her day.
40.   Forgive somebody who owes you. If possible, write her a letter of encouragement and inspiration.
It is heaven sent to have a friend who walks at the same vision and shares the kind of passion I have. It could be lonely doing all of these without somebody to report the consequences of the graces. Our spouses are on board with us of course but it is different having a soul sister.

If it doesn’t move you to do any act of kindness because nobody around you is with you on this, I challenge you to challenge your present circle of friendships. Better yet, start a spark of kindness within that. Trust me, the warmth that it brings if allowed to keep burning will never be contained. It will spread like wildfire. Imagine how much a negative word can crush somebody. Let’s turn it around and spread the positive instead.  Then a wildfire of positivity will blanket the earth and that’s how much of your little kindness can impact our world.

If it’s possible, please share your RAK with me in a comment or a private message so I can be encouraged too that at least a single grace does happen. I hope you don’t wait for it to happen. I hope by now you are inspired to unleash the inner philanthropist in you. Best wishes!

With all my love,
